Date/year of birth:
Born on 20.05.1936 in Varna. Doyen of Bulgarian photography. After graduating in Chemistry at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, he specialized in reproduction and general photography in Vienna. He teaches Fine Art and Applied Photography at NATFA “Kr. Sarafov”, the New Bulgarian University, the Art College and the Department of Journalism. He has participated in the photographic life with over 30 solo author’s exhibitions in Bulgaria and abroad. Author and illustrator, he has also worked on layouts of calendars, books and albums. Fine Art Photography Artist since 1980. He is the winner of prizes, distinctions and awards, among which Bifota Berlin, Macon France, National Competition Lithuania, the world exhibition of photography in Japan Asahi Shimbun, Contemporary Photography Hungary, the international competition “The Earth and the People”, the exhibition “Bulgaria – ancient and young” and many others. Besides his artistic work, he works brilliantly in the field of education and has encouraged the growth of a number of today’s prominent photographers. He was awarded the Honorary Sign of Sofia and the Honorary ACADEMICA Statuette. JUBILEE EXHIBITION The selected photographs are retrospective in some sense, celebrating the author’s Anniversary and are an exciting encounter with familiar and unfamiliar human faces, captured landscape moments and modes of being. The work of Petar Abadzhiev is subdivided into two large groups of works. The first introduces images from reality, many portraits of familiar people and landscapes. Almost all of them were processed, although some were photographed on film. The other large group of photos reflects his emotion, intertwined with fantasies and dreams. Thus, Petar Abadzhiev’s work has always been and is distinguished by his clearly articulated author’s diction which is particularly difficult in photographic art.