Date/year of birth:
Born in 1953 in Pavlikeni. He began his serious photography activities in 1977. In 1984, he was awarded the title “Fine Art Photography Artist” by the Ministry of Culture. He participated in over 100 world salons under the auspices of FIAP with many awards in Germany, Poland, Russia, France, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria, etc. His works quickly established him as a name in photography circles. He mostly shoots portraits and landscapes. In 2013 he was awarded the Artist FIAP distinction and in 2020 – the EFIAP distinction. He is the author of 15 solo exhibitions displayed throughout the country and has participated in joint international photo exhibitions. In 2017, he was awarded the Honorary ACADEMICA Statuette. RHODOPEAN PATTERNS The author’s love for this nook of Bulgaria was incited way back in 1984 when he visited the Rhodope for the first time. Over the years, he has traversed thousands of kilometers in search of interesting themes and different perspectives. Some places he had revisited 30 or 40 times until he could capture the right frame. He was captivated by the beauties of Bulgarian nature, especially the fascination of the Rhodope, which he adored. He takes breathtaking photographs with opulence of color, abundance of detail, with an exceptional image culture and with great love, which open to the audience a window to the beauty of the Bulgarian nature and to the various shapes that the Earth has created in its development. The more locations he managed to visit, the more he succeeded to share with the spectators the magic of the mountain. Tsoncho evolved his sense of composition and light from the art of painting because he worked as a teacher in this field for many years. He doesn’t like to process his shots too much. Computer intervention is minimal, emphasizing on the authenticity of the captured moment.