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The word “philosopher” has always been perceived naturally next to the name of Tsocho Boyadzhiev. Born in 1951 in Troyan, he is one of the leading humanitarians in Bulgaria, specializing in the European Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Antiquity. Between 1991 and 1999 he headed the Department of History of Philosophy at Sofia University, and after 2000 he was the Director of the Institute for Medieval Philosophy and Culture in Sofia. He is the winner of the national award “Hristo G. Danov”, the Grand prize of Portal Kultura, the “Golden Metaphor” award, the Grand Cross of the Sovereign Order of Malta. Along with his scholarly monographs, Boyadzhiev is a recognized poet and photographer. He has displayed his photographs in solo and joint photography exhibitions, as well as in the photo albums “The Way of Man” and “The Home of Man” published together with Nikolay Treyman. He collected his reflections on visual art and the role of the image in time in the “Philosophy of Photography”. PHOTOS TALK The exhibition features the fourth edition of the Contest for artistic analysis of photography “Photos Talk” which once again has provoked photography lovers and professionals to describe in words what the shots of the photographer Prof. Tsocho Boyadzhiev tell. Choosing a subject, he finds in it a deeply encoded meaning. His poetic frame of mind presents him in an expressive form. This is how numerous images came to life, making the spectator exclaim “I saw that too, but I didn’t pay any attention to it”. Prof. Tsocho Boyadzhiev is gifted with the blessing of the sensitive touch, quick reaction and elaborated means of expression. We can usually figure out the interests and profession of photographers by their works. The human perspective in photography in the broadest sense of the word is what attracts and captivates Professor Tsocho Boyadzhiev.