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Born in Varna. He was awarded the title “Fine Art Photography Artist”, the EFIAP distinction and was FIAP Lecturer. He was a long-time Fine Art Photographer for “Bulgarian Photography”, an artist, critic, lecturer, author of numerous publications, member of juries, commissions and artistic councils. Petar Bozhkov was the winner of Bulgarian and international awards and participated in national and international events. He is the author of the Land solo exhibition (1973). He worked in all genres, mainly landscapes and reportage portraiture. He perceived the Bulgarian land not as a subject or a geographical concept but as an expression of the Bulgarian quintessence. Petar Bozhkov actively supported the growth of many young talents. In 2000, he was awarded the Honorary Diploma and the Honorary ACADEMICA Statuette for outstanding contribution to the development of photography in Bulgaria. SELECTED WORKS Petar Bozhkov is the classic of Bulgarian photography. And this was acknowledged even in his lifetime, while he was among us. His presence (not to mention that everything he said turned into an aphorism) was the behavior of a classic, but even now, when we look at his works in this exhibition, and he is not with us – yes, this is the ambience, this is what the exhibition tells about. We know where his strength lies – in simultaneously leading an artistic and documentary narrative. Photography usually achieves artistic effects in defiance of its own documentary nature. Petar Bozhkov, in the easiest, most authentic, self-explanatory way, achieved them by an opposite technique combining the documentary with the artistic.