Date/year of birth:
Milan Hristev was born in 1963 in Plovdiv. He took up photography as a student in 1975. Until he graduated from high school, every year he won the 1st or 2nd place at the district and national photography contests of Youth Technical and Scientific Creativity. After military service, in 1985 he graduated from the Julius Fučík High School of Polygraphy and Photography. In 1985, he successfully specialized in ORWO plant in Germany. In 1990, he was awarded the title of Fine Art Photography Artist, and in 1993 with the Artist FIAP distinction. He presented author’s collections in Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, USA, Switzerland and Hungary. Milan participated and won awards in more than 60 Bulgarian and international joint exhibitions. He is the winner of the Honorary ACADEMICA Statuette. He currently owns a photo studio with the FOTOMAX Gallery in Plovdiv. STREET PHOTOGRAPHY Milan Hristev is one of the Bulgarian photographers who shoot all the time. About his collection of street photos, he briefly shares that these are the impressions that everyday life has offered to him. It is a hunt for chance, a frivolous paraphrase of Cartier-Bresson. This is a freeing exercise in insight. The style is classic, halftone black and white photography. There are no intrusive compositional experiments, but the composition is dynamic and varied, unrepeatable. A medium and general plan with in-depth development is used. The author’s attention is directed at the elements of the image and their comprehension and interpretation (the connotation of the photo, according to Barthes), as Milan Hristev’s style is defined in professional photo criticism. The presented photographs will inspire us to reflect on Milan Hristev’s laconic visual haiku-stanzas, which, displayed together and from the distance of time, paint an ingenious picture of everyday life in our country.