Date/year of birth:
Deyana Stamatova was born in Burgas. She graduated from the Julius Fučík College of Photography and later became a teaching assistant at the Semi-Higher Teachers’ Institute in Burgas. A few years later she moved to Sofia, where she worked for the Zhar newspaper and several other editions, including “1000 days”, “Express” and “168 hours”. Other than photojournalism, Deyana Stamatova worked on personal art projects. She is best known for her alternative interpretation of the naked body. She attached great importance to the work in the photographic laboratory. For her, all the experiments conducted there are no less important than the shooting process itself. Her career features more than twenty solo exhibitions and numerous awards from Bulgarian and international photo salons. THE RIOT OF IMAGES The exhibition, dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of her birth, presents her emblematic series and includes over 50 photographs, gelatin silver originals, copied personally by the author and donated to the Academy of Photography by her husband. Deyana Stamatova shared, “To me, nude photography means anything but showing the human body… To me, the nude image becomes a nude image only when it speaks about the essence of the represented person, about the character of the model. To this character I attribute certain idea that they themselves bear in their core… Because nude photography is a way to understand the person who is depicted. Because the meaning of photography in general, of all its genres is to show the people, the person, the techniques it employs. Photography is about the person in general. This has always been central in any art – the human being, the human essence. And they can be revealed through nude photography… I know about women, I myself am a woman…“